Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hip Hop Metropolis?

Music is generally referred to as a emotional outlet. A way to express what one can't in words. It has beauty, understanding, and insight. It is one of those things that makes us stand out from other animals.

However capitalism, in its feverish onslaught of all things pure and good, has single handedly demolished the notion of music as a popular art form. Hip Hop, being one of the newest musical genres, never had a chance. Teens are the most major consumer of this music due to that reason as well. The image presented from most of these money grubbing 'artists' is either artificial and made entirely by the these big suit record executives and their underlings, or is a message manufactured by the people bringing them to life after being approved by these people.

And we wonder why there is no powerful counter culture emerging from the millenium generation? The voices of our generation are silenced or at very least overshadowed to near nonexistence by the voices that make the money. Because money is everything. And it's the most fickled temptress there is.

This is a song by my favorite hip hop artist as he talks about how American pop superstars act and are enabled to act indefinitely.

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